
Tamla Anderson

Managing Eczema : Symptons And Causes

Taking a Nutrition Based Approach to Managing Eczema with the help of a Eczema Nutritionist. There are seven types of eczema with the most common…

Weight Management Case Study: Brian Horne

How nutritionist can help lose weight? Let’s explore in this case study. How nutritionist help lose weight? This is a question I am often asked….

Gut Microbiome

Learn more about gut microbiome and how they affect our health Our guts are hosts to trillions of tiny organisms, collectively known as the ‘microbiome’….

Balancing Blood Sugar Levels

Balancing blood sugar levels is an art We want neither to be in a hypo-glycaemic or hyper-glycaemic state. We really want to stay somewhere in…

Sugar Awareness Week

It’s Sugar Awareness Week, let’s learn about managing blood sugar levels What better time to shed light on the importance of understanding sugar and its…

Sleeping Beautifully

What is the link between nutrition and sleep quality? When we nod off, melatonin activates a complicated cascade of processes that help us to feel…

Obesity and Covid-19?

Obesity and immune system – why all the fuss about obesity and Covid-19? When we talk about obesity and immune system we first of all,…

The Immune System

Nutrition and Stress Reduction – The link between Stress and the Immune System Stress and immune system are closely linked. When we are in stress…

Diet & Disease

Inflammation, Diet & Disease When something threatens to damage our cells, our body releases chemicals that trigger a response from our immune system – This…

Nutrition and Stress and Anxiety

Nutrition and Stress and Anxiety can be closely linked If an individual is continually stressed and anxious then my first recommendation is always that they…

Weight Loss

Getting Healthy – A Nutritionist For Weight Loss I have weight loss clients that come to me wanting to lose weight in order to get…

Improve Immune System With Diet

Improve Immune System With Diet – How They Are Linked In this blog we look into how to improve immune system with diet. The two…


Thoughts From a Menopause Nutritionist The peri-menopause and menopausal years are an important time for women to take good care of our emotional and physical…

Chronic Fatigue

Nutrition For Chronic Fatigue – How It Can Help If you’re struggling with chronic fatigue or post-viral fatigue syndrome (including long-Covid), you understand the range…

Digestive Issues

Nutrition For Gut Issues – How I Can Help It’s unfortunate that so many individuals struggle with persistent gut issues, enduring discomfort and disruption to…

Gut Health

Gut Health and Our Immune System Did you know that 70-80% of our immune system resides in the gut? Yes, it’s true! More specifically, it’s…

Sugar Nutrition Facts

Sugar Nutrition Facts – Learn More Understanding sugar nutrition facts can help us have more control in our diet. When we eat food that contains…

Skin Conditions

How An Eczema Nutritionist Can Help With Your Skin Conditions If you’re struggling with eczema, you understand the impact it can have on your skin,…